Saturday, April 18, 2009

New NAGT Quarterly E-News Magazine Debuts

From Cathy Manduca, executive director of the NAGT:

On behalf of the Executive Committee I am pleased to welcome you to the first quarterly NAGT e-News magazine. Your national officers plan to use this forum as a way to provide you notice of important education-related events, to assist you in planning, and to foster a greater sense of community within NAGT. The format and delivery of the e-newsletter will evolve as we add more content. However, in general the pages and text will typically include a President’s message, ideas for collaborations and venues where you can network, calendar items, deadlines, and highlighted teaching resources. We also plan to include short summary on“hot topics.” We also hope to include section news of broad interest to our community, commentaries and reviews. We plan to add content as needed and look forward to responding to your needs. This letter is intended to augment NAGT news that often includes time sensitive items.Let us know what you think, what you would like to see included in this e-magazine and how we can make it better!

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