We are pleased to announce that Subaru of America, Inc., in partnership with GSA, has funded a scholarship program to encourage minority undergraduate students to continue their studies in the geosciences.
The Subaru Minority Student Scholarship Program provides $1,000 to one student at an accredited university or college in each of the six North-American GSA regional Sections as nominated by the GSA Campus Representatives. The funds are to be used to purchase text books, pay college fees, or attend GSA field trips or conferences.
In addition to the cash award, a complimentary registration for this year’s GSA Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado will be provided. The awardees will be acknowledged at a student awards reception on Monday, 1 November.
We are asking our Campus Reps to nominate one (1) minority student whom they believe will benefit and be encouraged to continue their studies in the geosciences by receiving this award.
Student Requirements for Nomination:
Be a U.S. citizen and a member of a minority group (a ‘minority’ is described by the U.S. Census Bureau as being of Hispanic or Latino, African-American or Black, Asian, American-Indian, Alaskan Native, or Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander ethnicity/race);
Has taken at least two (2) introductory (first year) geoscience courses;
Be enrolled in additional geoscience courses in the upcoming academic year; and
Be a GSA student member in good standing.
Campus Rep Responsibilities and Timeline
Verify with the student that he/she is a member of a minority group as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Verify that the student has completed two introductory geoscience courses and is enrolled in geosciences classes for the upcoming academic year.
Complete and return the nomination form via email to awards@geosociety.org no later than 17 May 2010.
Nominations will be forwarded to the GSA Diversity in the Geosciences Committee for review by 1 June 2010.
All awards with be announced by 1 August 2010.
We hope you take advantage of this opportunity for your minority students, sponsored by Subaru of America, Inc.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions that you may have.
Diane Lorenz-Olsen
Grants, Awards, and Recognition
The Geological Society of America
3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, CO 80301
(303) 357-1028