Thursday, September 8, 2011

New NAGT Division: Geoscience at Two-Year Colleges

The Geo2YC Organizational Committee is pleased to announce that the Geoscience at Two-Year Colleges (Geo2YC) Division has become the first professional interest division of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT). The Geo2YC Division has received start-up funding from the NAGT Executive Committee to launch its mission to:

1) serve as a forum for exchanging information about 2YC geoscience programs
2) create a professional network for geoscience education at two-year colleges and other institutions with shared interests
3) sponsor NAGT 2YC activities and make recommendations to the NAGT Council
4) support and coordinate research on 2YC geoscience education
5) advocate for 2YC geoscience education within NAGT and other organizations

We welcome all NAGT members, including four-year college and university faculty with similar interests and concerns, to join the Geo2YC Division.

For Geo2YC to become a success we need your ideas and participation. One way to participate is to nominate yourself or a colleague to become an officer. Below are the primary duties and requirements for Geo2YC officers:

President - current or former 2YC professor serves 1-year term followed by 5 years on the Nominating and Election Committee
a. Convenes and chairs Executive Board meetings
b. Attends NAGT Council meetings or designates an alternate
c. Writes Division newsletter column and annual report for NAGT
Vice-President - current or former 2YC professor serves 1 year-term before becoming President
a. Participates in Executive Board meetings
b. Coordinates with liaisons to NAGT sections
Secretary/treasurer - serves 3-year term
a. Takes Executive Board meeting minutes
b. Tracks budget and maintains financial records and bank account
Newsletter Editor - serves 3-year term
a. Participates in Executive Board meetings
b. Edits quarterly electronic newsletter and sends news to other media
Webmaster - serves 3-year term
a. Participates in Executive Board meetings
b. Maintains and updates Division website on NAGT server
Archivist - serves 3-year term
a. Participates in Executive Board meetings
b. Archives documents, records, and images, and maintains membership roster

Please send the names and contact information for officer nominations to me at this address by Thursday, September 15. Membership sign-up, election of Geo2YC officers, and adoption of Division bylaws will occur later this month on the NAGT website.

We'd love to have you join Geo2YC!


Bob Blodgett

UPDATE: Here is the URL for Geo2YC: . The actual page is but you can access it within out adding index.html.